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Brand Messaging: Everything You Need to Know

    As business people, we all love the brand that Red Bull has made. Also, we know you said that Red Bull makes you fly.

    Isn’t it?

    That’s the kind of effect we want your brand story to have. You can do great things with this effect (Read: Brand messaging). This includes introducing yourself in a creative way on social media and giving your brand a bold and interesting personality.

    What good does this do?

    Almost every marketer knows that we use the messaging and identity of a brand to work with users, bring in business, and improve return on investment (ROI). People connect with and do business with brands and strong reputations, not with words and promises made over the phone.

    You don’t agree with these common brand messages, do you?

    • Just Do It is a Nike slogan.
    • Red Bull Gives You Wings – Think Different – Red Bull – Apple

    Didn’t you know just by reading the message what brand we were talking about? That’s what brand messaging does, and it’s what gets you business.

    What is messaging for a brand?

    First, let’s answer the most basic question: what is brand messaging?

    It is a method or marketing tool that we use to show the customer who we are, what makes us special, and what we can do for them. This is meant to inspire and encourage people to buy something.

    In an ideal world, we’d have some time with the customer to help them understand what our product is and what it’s worth. We used to do that ten years ago.

    But things have changed, and now your customer only has a split second to decide. Customers will know if they want to do business with you or not if your brand messaging stands out.

    Setting up a plan for brand messaging

    How can you figure out what your brand wants to show people?

    In this section, we’ll talk about how to build the structure for your brand’s message.

    Who You Are The first question: what kind of brand are you?

    • What makes your business different from similar ones (your competitors)?
    • What is your unique selling point?
    • What kind of messages do people like to hear?
    • Who do you want to reach? Is it middle-aged men or teenagers?
    • Is there a story behind your brand? How do you plan to tell the story?
    • What do you want to do?

    Every brand has to answer these questions at some point, maybe not for brand messaging but for tone of voice, communication, audience targeting, marketing campaigns, and other things. But in the end, it all comes back to the message your brand sends.

    Think of brand messaging as the way your company presents itself. Brands have an identity, just like people do. For example, you are thoughtful, considerate, etc., and that’s part of your identity. The best part is that we get to decide what our brand will be like in the future.

    Who do you want to reach?

    We’ve already talked about this, but think about it again.

    A buyer persona is a profile of your user that describes who they are and what they like. Depending on what you do and what you sell, any brand can have one or more buyer personas.

    Create Outlines

    This is essential! Figure out everything: who your target audience is, what message you want your brand to send, and what your goal is.

    Write everything down! Open a document and make rules for how your company should sound.

    • Think about how you want your brand to be seen.Ask yourself and write down things that show what’s important to you. For example, the tone you want to use in the words you use. “Hey, guys, here’s something cool!” or “We have a new chance for you”?
    • Get to know your audience. Check out what kind of content they are making and add that to your buyer’s personas.
    • Try not to be perfect. We will fail at some point, and that’s okay. So, don’t tell your audience that you are a perfect brand that never makes mistakes or lets anyone down.
    • Your brand message should reach every user or viewer in your network everywhere, like on social media, posters, company literature, etc.
    • Keep it simple! You want people to get what you’re saying. You need a simple sentence for that.

    How to Create the Best Messaging for Your Brand

    We’re sure you already know what your brand messaging looks like by now. Here are some things to think about:

    Mission & Vision

    Figure out your goal and mission before you move forward.

    Your mission statement tells people what your business is all about. Every business starts out by saying, “This is what we want to do.” Then, what do you want to do? Why do you exist?

    You can easily give more evidence for the same, but you should just focus on the “why” part of the statement.

    You have to be artistic and creative for the vision statement. Think about what the company wants to be like in the future. This is always a “will-be” statement that shows you want to be the best in the world at what you do.


    What do you want your business to stand for?

    This is how you do business and what kind of morals you bring to your work. For example, your team is honest with the client and puts people before everything else. These kinds of things are important to you.

    • We are transparent.
    • We think that there are no limits to creativity.
    • We believe in a successful journey, not in a few small setbacks.
    • Your Placement in the Market

    With the brand’s mission and vision statements, we explain why the brand exists. With market positioning, we cover the brand’s who, what, and how. This has to do with who you are and who you work with. We also show how we work, how we make what we make, and what makes us who we are.

    All of these things should be a promise. This is where you tell your audience who you are, how you work, and what you can expect from us. Everything goes back to your mission and starts there. From here, you can move easily and do what needs to be done. Know that these statements don’t have to be unrealistic but can be true. This is something you and your team should do every day.

    Unique Propositions

    Remember that you need to set yourself apart in all of these statements and messages. Even if what your competitors are doing is interesting, you don’t have to do the same thing.

    Tell your customers what makes you different and what better services you offer.

    For example, talk about how your prices are reasonable, how good your products are, and how well you treat your customers.

    These things make you stand out from the crowd, so you should use them to your advantage.

    Voice of Brand

    Last, what does your brand sound like?

    Is it funny, serious, passionate, engaging, or thought-provoking? You have to decide this based on who your audience is and what kind of marketing you are doing.

    Remember that your business comes to life through the voice of your brand. So, it has to be right for you to stand out as a leader in your field. You should make it seem like your brand knows what it’s doing. You don’t want to sound like a beginner, so watch what you say.


    When we say “brand messaging,” a lot of things come to mind: who we are, what we say, what our social media says, etc. Brand messaging is definitely all of these things and a lot more. We’ve talked about everything you need to know about how to talk about your brand. Look over these tips carefully and get in touch with us if you need help.

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