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Ingenious Exit Popups How to Correctly Exit Intent?

    As a marketer, you probably place a high priority on getting high-quality visitors to your website, regardless of whether you work in e-commerce, B2B, or SaaS. Making the most of your hard-earned traffic is important since acquiring new customers takes time and money.

    Furthermore, with client acquisition expenses skyrocketing in today’s market, you can’t afford to lose a fantastic prospect once they’ve visited your website. You require popups that are based on exit-intent.

    With attractive and simple-to-understand exit-intent popups, you can target users who are about to leave your website and present the appropriate message that will encourage them to stay and take action.

    Exit-Intent Pop-Up: What It Is

    You can start an exit-intent pop-up by monitoring the mouse’s movement. The notification comes just before your user abandons the page and decides not to take the intended action.

    • A customer is more likely to stay on the website if they encounter a pop-up with an alluring picture providing a discount or a reward.
    • Giving users a downloadable file can at least persuade them to provide you with their contact information. As a result, based on the data, your marketing team is able to retarget the users via different channels.
    • Exit-intent pop-ups can give users the impression that they are being heard and that you are concerned about their needs.
    • They gain from the encounter, which helps them form a favorable impression of your company. Making the consumer journey interactive through exit pop-ups is advantageous for both customers and businesses, particularly when it comes to online shopping.

    These pop-ups can be used for targeted marketing to help you reach your objectives, such as encouraging consumers to purchase a product they had added to their wish list or sign up for your newsletters and emails.

    Exit Intent Pop-Ups’ Operation

    Check out your e-commerce website. Consider a customer perusing your product selection. In this instance, they navigate away from your website by moving their cursor beyond its frame or bounds.

    They stay on the website to read the pop-up window that offers a discount. They convert the way you wanted them to when they click your CTA.

    Exit-intent pop-ups can help you increase conversions, lower cart abandonment rates, keep users on your site longer, and grow your email list, among other things.

    There are several ways exit-intent popups can help your website. Some of the ways they can assist you are as follows:

    • Quickly increase the number of subscribers on your email list.
    • Send lead magnets out: You can draw in new visitors with discounts, freebies, and informative content.
    • Reduce the rate of abandonment: Prior to a visitor leaving forever, engage them.
    • Keeping your cart full: At critical junctures in the consumer journey, encourage purchases.
    • Boost SEO: Improve your SEO by making visitors stay on your site longer, sending users to popular topics, and more.

    How Pop-up Exit-Intent Conversion Rate Booster

    Prospects do not become clients unless you first develop a relationship with them. If potential clients are not persuaded by or interested in the goods/items/assets you offer, neither will sales happen.

    Do you now have any doubts about whether pop-ups will increase conversions? Naturally, they will. Even if they only use the exit-intent pop-up to sign up for a mail subscription, consumers are starting to interact with your brand.

    They gradually become your clients as they get to know you over time, and then they develop into brand evangelists.

    Exit-intent pop-ups are thought of as a conversion optimization strategy wand that can change the odds in your favor for effective marketing.

    Your web sites should use language and deliver messages that are appealing to your target audience. An exit-intent pop-up does this wonderfully when it is created with the client in mind.

    As online buying increases in 2023, e-commerce websites are using exit-intent pop-ups to promote to their customers.

    Because it keeps them interested, it keeps customers anchored in the store. The conversion rate of an online store rises as customers stay longer.

    How to Correctly Exit Intent

    Understanding conversion rates and exit-intent pop-ups makes sense for business and e-commerce websites.

    If your pop-up design, color scheme, and tool are perfect, users may respond to your message differently. Pop-up designs that don’t follow standard practices might be very expensive. Some pointers are:

    Customize your pop-up windows

    Skip over generic pop-ups. Personalization is at the top of our list of exit popup tips since it is so crucial.

    Let’s imagine that you relocate to a new area. When you walk down to the corner store, a discussion over breakfast burritos lasts for a half-hour.

    A few days later, when you pass by one of the street vendors, they holler at you, urging you to buy an apple from their cart. An old buddy then calls out your name, smiles, and extends an invitation to enter his store.

    Which vendor—one who doesn’t know your name and doesn’t smile—would you prefer to purchase an apple from? We would follow the shop owner if we were you.

    Offer a way to opt out

    Typically, pop-ups with exit-intent have a straightforward opt-in form and a CTA button. Contrary to what may seem logical, introducing an opt-out option can increase conversions by 30–40%.

    What is the cause? Visitors are more likely to interact with your offer when they see that saying yes is not their sole option.

    Avoid displaying the “X” button too soon.

    Exit-intent pop-ups have become so commonplace among internet users that closing them has practically become reflexive for seasoned online buyers. In this scenario, the majority of visitors will dismiss your popup before viewing its contents.

    This issue can be resolved by delaying the closing “X” for a short period of time. They will be shown the value of your exit pop-up when they search for the exit button.

    If you’re offering something genuinely appealing, like a sizable discount code or a free sample box, you don’t need a lot of extra time to convince a website visitor to engage with an offer.

    Create various messages for various visitor segments

    You must segment the users of your website in order to provide them messages that are appropriate for their needs.

    Since no single message will be pertinent to every customer who visits your website, you must make sure that each message you deliver is pertinent to your audience.

    Here are a few ideas:

    • personalized for both new and returning visitors
    • Visitors who are at the beginning of the customer journey versus those who are more advanced
    • Comparing email subscribers and unsubscribers
    • Make cautious not to repeatedly send the same message to visitors who have returned. For improved outcomes, you can then send messages at different points in the purchasing process.

    Include a list of connected articles’ links

    Your website serves as your online shop if you run an internet business or are a publisher, and the more time someone spends there, the better. Therefore, you occasionally want to reduce your bounce rate and encourage people to stay on your website for longer.

    A excellent approach to do this is to use an exit-intent popup to propose relevant blog posts to the one they just read.

    It’s crucial to understand that not all reasons why a user could be about to quit your website have anything to do with your content. A social network or email announcement, for example, could have served as a diversion.

    Provide choices to the audience

    Sadly, a large majority of exit popups don’t provide visitors with what they want. This happens because many companies have different customer personas, and each persona will react to offers differently.

    If you have a segment of visitors who have mastered that trick and who now wish to learn how to spin a ball on their nose as well, then your offer is pointless to attract their attention. The popup may provide the best handbook ever published on how to juggle six balls in the air.

    You can easily avoid this issue and make the ideal offer to the visitor by letting them select the things that most interest them.

    Test your messages with A/B tests.

    The tip isn’t unknown; it’s just not used enough. A/B testing is necessary for conversion optimization. Which headline variations will succeed and which will fail cannot be predicted.

    Using the built-in A/B testing functionality, you can easily test different headlines and call-to-action messages on your exit-intent popups to determine which messages are most effective. The greatest technique to boost an exit popup’s conversion rate is to do this.

    Put it in context

    Selling rubber slippers to someone who is shopping for jogging shoes is more difficult. Pop-ups are also more difficult to market. The worst thing you can do is display an exit-intent popup with no knowledge of the user’s session.

    However, you may influence things by considering the context of your browsing activity when creating exit pop-ups. If you can send the proper message to the right user, your chances of success will rise dramatically.

    If a person spends a few minutes reading a piece about conversion rate optimization, it would be strange to display a popup marketing an e-book about Facebook ads to them. Content that is pertinent to the audience’s interests is far more effective.

    Avoid being invasive

    Having to repeatedly say no is the most annoying thing in the world. You shouldn’t display visitors the identical window two minutes later if they shut the window but do not leave the website after indicating an exit intent. Observe their decision.

    Therefore, you must optimize how often your exit pop-ups display. Users won’t see the exit intent pop-up again for at least a day if they click the close button.

    If a visitor clicks the negative CTA, you should stop presenting the same pop-up to them for up to a month. Pop-up windows shouldn’t appear to registered users.

    benefit from social proof

    A straightforward call to action might not be enough to convince customers to make a purchase. To get the most out of your pop-ups, you should pair your CTA with some supporting information. Let them know that they are not the only ones having these issues.

    For instance, your pop-up can highlight some of the businesses you’ve worked with or just list your happy clients as evidence of your reliability. Mentioning that you already have many thousand subscribers is another effective point.

    Other Exit Intent Pop-Up Concepts

    In addition to these five exit purpose pop-up varieties, there are more that you can use. Here are a few more suggestions you may make to your target market, whether or not they will result in leads.

    • Ship for nothing
    • competition entry
    • Membership in the blog
    • customer experience survey
    • Customized lessons or courses based on prior purchases
    • Product demonstration


    When comparing the work required to deploy exit pop-ups with, example, creating high-quality marketing material, pop-ups come out on top.

    With dozens of different plugins and add-ons, you may quickly and easily deploy a pop-up on your website. Additionally, you may enhance their performance and test out various copy, design, and placement alternatives.

    To generate leads, pop-up exit intent marketing is a useful tactic. You will be able to keep more visitors on your website longer, boost conversions, and raise money.

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