Many online stores have the same problem: they get a lot of visitors, but their number of sales doesn’t go up. How can that be?
Most of the time, this is due to problems with the website, such as its design, price, or lack of information.
Don’t forget to think about how people find your site. Do you advertise, and if so, where? Do you use SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? There’s a chance that you have a lot of traffic, but it’s not from your ideal customers, and some of the people who visit your online store aren’t even interested in what you sell.
Why aren’t you making sales? What’s wrong?
In the sections that follow, we’ll talk about some things that can go wrong with web shops, which can make visitors less likely to buy and make them feel unsafe. We tried to think about as many things as possible so that you could figure out what you need to change on your site after reading the article. We won’t just list problems; we’ll also give you advice. Don’t just get people to come to you; keep them there and turn them into buyers.
The key sentence: If your visitors don’t feel safe, they won’t buy from you.

One reason you might not be making sales is because of the prices. Think about it. Did you set a price for your products that makes sense? Check out your competitors, the people who sell items that are similar to or the same as yours.
Be careful not to have a huge profit margin compared to what the supplier charged. Customers won’t know what the wholesale price was, but if you sell a simple phone case for $100, that’s too much.
People who do drop shipping on eBay, Amazon, and other marketplaces can cause a lot of problems if the prices they set are too high on these sites. They want to make more money, of course. But these days, it’s easy to tell when a product comes from a marketplace. If someone goes to the original site to see the original prices, they’ll close your site right away and buy from the marketplace, where the prices are much lower. There aren’t many ways out of this mess. You can think you’re lucky, set lower prices, or try to choose your products in a unique way that will make them more appealing. But the best way to do drop shipping is to work with real suppliers and manufacturers instead of marketplaces.
Now, we’ll give you three examples of this.
1. Prices are too high:
You did this to yourself by setting a price that was too high. You did this because you wanted to make more money, but this price is making people not want to buy from you.
2. Prices are too low:
If your prices are too low, it can make people feel unsafe. Most likely, they will start to wonder if there is something wrong with you, where you got your products, or if your web store is a scam. You might just want to get people to come in and then try to make more money later, not just enough to cover costs, but be careful, not every trick works.
3. Prices are high, the products are high-end:
If you want to sell “luxury” brands, you have to make sure you can reach your customers. Most people can’t afford these things, so you probably won’t make a lot of money right away. You can play around with prices, but marketing is very important.
Try to find a good balance. Look at the market, how other people price their products, how much traffic they get, and how popular they are. Find out what will work best for you.
Show that you can be counted on. There are many things you can do to make people believe you can be trusted, but the best thing is to do them all at once. Each part of this blog post is about one of these things. All of your content, including pictures, text, and design, needs to be neat. This shows how well you work with others and treat your customers. You can post pictures that customers sent you of themselves wearing the clothes they bought from you or showing their new carpet on the floor. Show quotes from them about how happy they are, who your supplier is, who or what does the shipping, the history of your web store, what it has done so far, how many products it has, how many supporters it has, and anything else. Join social networks! People can see if you really exist and what you’ve been up to. For example, if they see that you haven’t posted anything in 9 months, they won’t feel comfortable ordering from your shop. Best case scenario: you have profiles on both Facebook and Instagram. You can find out what the customers think there.
Main Page
Think of the main page as a front door or an entrance hall. This page needs to show everything in your store. This is the page that most people land on, so you need to grab their attention, keep them interested, persuade them, and get them to take action.
Don’t put too much on the main page; just a few paragraphs is enough. As for the text, write down what you sell and who you are trying to reach. Don’t make your text boring and cliche, but do try to make it easy to understand. Just a few words or lines will do. You can tell more about your site’s story in another menu. Use headlines that are interesting and catchy on your main page. Only talk about important things. Upload high-quality images, make the “Call to Action” button or sentence stand out, and include links to your social media pages to show that you are real. Show them why your store is a good choice. Don’t forget about layout, and make sure everything looks good. The content needs a hierarchy, with the most important parts at the start. Use keywords.
If you have a seasonal offer, it needs to be at the top of the main page and have a “Call to Action” button on it. Also show your best deals, promotions, and best-selling items.
Be reasonable, and don’t post too much. Since each category has its own menu, it doesn’t make sense to say more about them than what’s on the main page.
Product Page
If the page for a product has nothing but the name and price, it won’t make people want to buy it. Show as much information as you can, including the exact name, size, color, use, features, delivery time, and warranty. Upload more high-quality pictures of the product that can be opened in a larger size. You can also upload photos from people who have bought the product before. Add a short description of the company that made it. The whole product page needs to be easy to read. Use headlines in the product description to make it easy for people to read. You can also make menus within menus. It’s also a good idea to give buyers the chance to write a review. Put the most important info at the top of the page so people can read it without having to scroll. The page needs to show that the product is of high quality. Try to get people to shop, but don’t be dull.
It’s also a good idea to post pictures of all the different kinds.
Have some sort of order, with the name, price, “Buy” or “Add to Cart” button, and pictures at the top. The most important parts of the texts should be highlighted.

Show people that there’s nothing wrong with the quality of the products in your online store, but don’t brag about being the best by writing it in big letters. Use a different set of tools. Also very important is how it looks. People will think your products are good if your web store looks nice. It is also important to have references. You can’t just say that your products are good; you have to prove it.
Another thing that could be causing your problem is that you use a design that was popular 10 years ago but doesn’t look good. Also, it’s not the best if the layout is annoying, it’s hard to tell what’s what, and it’s hard to get around. Do some tests and ask other people what they think before you put the store’s website online.
What do you need to keep in mind when making your site? Use colors that go together, brand elements that go together, and catchy headlines and slogans that are easy to remember. Use images that are high-quality, high-resolution, stunning, and demanding. As for the menus, everything must work with touchscreens, and the font size must be big enough to read easily. Getting rid of things can help you.
People won’t feel comfortable on your website if it doesn’t look good, and they might not buy from you. If you have a nice look, they may think you are more trustworthy. Every purchase is based on how you feel.
Images must be original and match the style of the whole web store. This text says what it needs to say.
Pictures need to be high-resolution, high-quality, and clean, and all of the parts need to be in the right place. People should be able to open the pictures in a bigger size. Also, it’s helpful to be able to zoom and to be able to upload more photos from different angles. Putting up videos could be another good idea.
Future buyers may be more likely to buy something if the product page has a section where they can see photos from other customers about the items they bought.
Here’s an example of a picture that stands out:
No matter what language you use on your site, you need to make sure the grammar, spelling, and punctuation are all correct. If the descriptions and titles on your site are wrong, it’s really annoying and shows that you don’t pay enough attention, aren’t doing your job right, or care about quality. People will think that if you can’t write well, your products won’t be good either, that you can’t be trusted, that your site is a scam, and that they shouldn’t buy from you, even if you just weren’t thorough enough.
Call to Action
On a product page in your web store, the “Call to Action” (CTA) is an important part. It’s important that this call be clear, easy to see, and easy to understand at a glance. Put information around it that will make people feel like buying from you will give them a lot of benefits. But make sure that nothing will take away from how great that CTA content is.
As the owner of a web store, what else would you want to do besides sell? Because of this, “Call to Action” is one of the most important things you need to pay attention to and emphasize. People must be able to see the Buy/Add to Cart button on the product page without having to scroll down. This button needs to be in a frame with a colorful background, but it still needs to look good. People shouldn’t have to look for this. There can be an arrow next to the button or anything else that stands out.
If you want to do something other than add things to a cart, you have to bring attention to the important part in the same way.
The “Call to Action” button is just as important as the product’s name, price, and photos. CTA tells you, for example, where and what to buy. People do what you say. There is a “Click here” button for this in the text and on the image. You could also write “Buy Now” or “Shop Now.” If you have a campaign or promotion, you can also put a call to action on the main page. A button that says “Get more info” or “Send me news” can also work this way. You have to figure out how this should look and what it should do. You need to put it to the test for a while.
A reference can be a quote from a previous customer about a product or your whole e-store. This can be found in your webshop. Photos on product pages can be used as references, and customers can also tell you about items they’ve bought before.
It’s important to have pages on social media sites. People can write feedback about products and services in these places so that others can get an idea of what they are like before they buy from you. Some also look at how many people follow the account. And what everyone says: if you aren’t signed up for something, like Facebook in this case, you don’t even exist. In the eyes of the buyers, you won’t be real.
You can also let your customers tell you what they think in the webshop, so that people who visit your site can see a rating right away.
If visitors feel unsure about a product and can’t decide if they want to buy it or not, they will start to look for opinions about it on Google, on social media like Facebook, Instagram, or even YouTube, or on your site if you have a place for opinions.
For the same reasons, it makes sense to start an affiliate program so that bloggers and vloggers can talk about your product and bring more people to your website.

Incentive, Appealing Text
A lot of people like it when they come across motivational texts that either draw attention to something or persuade them to do something. This makes visitors feel like they need it. These texts need to stand out by using big font size, frames, and a background image that doesn’t get in the way. They need to be in the center of attention. It has to be interesting.
When can a piece of writing work? If visitors see that there are only a few of something, they will want to buy it. They can’t put it off and then forget why they wanted to buy in the first place.
Texts that are appealing can be used almost anywhere. What’s this? A limited-time offer, a discount, a unique product, a novelty, a creative description, a slogan, information about the manufacturer and its history, but it’s important to have a more detailed description of your incentive text to make sure that’s relevant. As a simple example, if you say your product is great, you need to write down why you think it is great. But even a discount can have a reason, like if your online store is celebrating its second birthday. For the campaign, you’ll need to make a new page with more information.
People should be able to remember your slogan. The appealing texts on your product page and main page need to describe what your item is like, but you have to be creative.
Speak! If you write a good product description and list the benefits a buyer will get, that can also be impulsive.
Try to make people feel something, and make them want and need something. These texts can help to sell more.
Your product pages, home page, and every other page on your site need to be clean. It’s best not to have to read for a long time, unless you have to. You can highlight parts of the text, add pictures to make it look nice, and use tabs because the content can be a lot. It should be easy to understand what is being said. You can also split both text and images. Everything and every option must be clear on your site; don’t hide anything. So that people don’t leave your web store, it’s important to make sure it makes sense.
If you offer a guarantee, talk about it and don’t hide anything. It can have a big effect on possible customers and sales in the future.
Delivery Information
First, it’s important that the product page shows the delivery time and whether or not the item is in stock. Second, you should have a menu with all the information about delivery and how much it costs. It would be good if there was a link to this menu on every product page. What needs to be on that menu? National and international delivery time, costs, who will deliver (post or courier), if courier, who is that company, do they have a place where you can pick up your product at any time, how often do they deliver in a day, what happens if you’re not home, etc.
People often leave their shopping carts because they don’t know enough about shipping.

Size Chart
Size is important no matter what we’re talking about. Whether it’s a carpet, a dress, a bag, or anything else, the product page needs to have a size chart. For example, if you sell clothes, put the sizes in the description and also make a separate menu with all the information you need about the sizes. People may not buy something if they don’t know what size it is.
Provide Enough Information
Give all the important information in different menus on your online store. This includes everything you would want to know as a buyer. Delivery information, information about how to get a replacement, pricing, sizes, a guarantee, and a page with the most frequently asked questions are all good things to have. At the same time, product pages need to have all the important information about an item. Don’t make people look for your product on Google or send you emails. Persuade them that it’s a good idea to buy from you. Tell them why your prices are high, like because it’s a premium product. The same is also good backwards. Write about the website store itself, how it got started, etc. Also, make a menu with information about how to pay. Don’t forget to write down the ways to get in touch.
Social Media
Today, if you have a web store, you have to have a Facebook page. This is because people can check to see if you are real and real here. We’ve already told you, along with many other people, that you don’t exist if you’re not on Facebook. Not only is it important to have a profile on these pages, but you also need to be active on them, and so do your followers. Share posts often so people will know you’re still around. If your last post was made six months ago, people will think that the Facebook page’s web store doesn’t work anymore. Of course, your position will be stronger the more people you have following you. And it’s great when people leave likes and comments, which can be seen by everyone. But most of this traffic is generated by itself. What you share and how you share it can change this, though.
Instagram is becoming more important these days. People love to check this social network page, where pictures are the most important thing, to see what pictures there are of clothes they want to buy online. You can also share content on Twitter, but keep in mind that not every country has a big audience. The US, for example, has the most active users.
If you use social networking sites, you will understand your customers better. You can’t even pass up the chance to advertise in these places. You can find out what people think about your products and how they feel about them by looking at your profile page or using hashtags. People will get ideas from these posts and comments, which will bring more people to your site.
Make content that is full of color to turn your potential customers into real buyers.
Introduce Live Chat
You as the webshop owner and the potential customer can often both benefit from live chat support, which is usually hidden by a small icon in the bottom left or right corner of the site. If you offer chat, you probably won’t lose customers, and the other person will get all of his questions answered and then buy what he wants. If you can’t always be at your computer and online in the chat window, write a short message with your e-mail address and tell visitors they can send questions to you by e-mail if you’re not there.

AIDA is a plan for marketing. It’s an English acronym, and it stands for:
Attention: people to know about a product, brand, or piece of content.
Interest: get people interested, get people interested.
Desire: Make people want what you have or feel like they need what you have.
Action: It’s a call to action that makes people want to do something, like buy.
Imagine it as a pyramid…
with building blocks and levels that go together and can’t be taken apart. This model is used in a lot of different places. You can use this frame to make a blog post, a product page, an email, an ad, or anything else. You can use this model on anything you want, so you don’t have to be afraid of trying something new.
In our case, this is important because you can use this model to help guide possible customers. When you put something in front of a customer, he notices it and learns that your brand or product exists. After that, he starts to care about a certain subject. For example, because you’ve shown him something that makes him realize one of his problems. He starts to like your product or service, it makes him want it, and he realizes he needs it (to solve the problem). In the end, the plan to do something comes true. The purchase will be made, or at least the person will know what to do. It’s kind of like the “Call to Action” and the steps that go with it, where the end goal is the purchase (or any action). At the fourth level, in the action section, you’re still not sure if you have a winning case, because some people may have left their shopping carts behind, which means you can fix the problem if that’s the case. As a last basic fact, some people talk about the first level as “awareness” instead of “attention.”
Why are we talking about AIDA as a problem, and how can you use this model in your web shop?
You can think of this as a love relationship by making it as easy as possible to think about. It’s like when you start to like someone or fall in love with them, and you try to get them to like you back in different ways. You must slowly change how the other person feels. You can use the AIDA model for a web store in several ways (you’ll see what problems it can cause), and we’ll look at three of them now.
From the outside to the inside. In each case, it’s important to get a general idea of the whole thing. At this point, it’s important to think about the future.
attention: A commercial is one way to start getting people’s attention. Show people that you have a web store or that you are offering something right now. Just let people see you, like with a Facebook ad that can reach the right people.
interest: For example, you can get people interested by asking about a problem or pointing to one. You can show what special offers you have for the season. Not only the text, but also the way it looks is important. You need to use interesting content to keep people from scrolling down and away from your ad. Be convincing at this point as well, because you don’t just want people to visit your page, you want them to buy from it. That’s all that matters.
desire: Here, at the level of increasing desire, we could say that if you have an unbeatable offer and make people feel something, you need to be more convincing and get people to watch and check out your ad for longer so they can learn more. The next part could tell people what to do, so they would click on the link that takes them to your web store. This one is also a possibility, which is why we could have given 4 ways to use AIDA for an e-store, but we didn’t do it on purpose because this one is more important. From the outside… is not about how to advertise well, but how to connect with a visitor and turn them into a real customer. So, the text and picture on the ad need to be cool, catchy, and convincing if you want people to really buy. You’ve probably already had an experience where you just glanced at a piece of advertising and knew you were going to buy because the deal was too good to pass up. Here, you need to be stronger than in the interest level, and you need to have a bigger effect on people’s feelings. But sticking with the original idea, it can also be said that after the level of interest right away, people click right away, and you have to come up with a page at the desire level that has proof of the quality you have and the relevance and the good offer.
action: The call to action has to be a button like “Buy” or “Add to Cart” with a picture of an arrow pointing to the important word to emphasize again what a good deal it is.
Main page as an entrance door. We use the same gradual method everywhere, so there aren’t big differences between the examples.
attention: Now, let’s start with a situation where someone ends up on the main page of your web store, maybe because a friend just told someone about your site. You need to get people’s attention with high-quality, eye-catching images. The design has to look good at first glance, and you have to show right away what you are selling.
interest: Get people interested by showing or writing down why your web store is a good place to buy things, how it is different from others, and what problems and needs may come up. For example, highlight those that have pictures of the products.
desire: You can make people want something by showing that you can meet their needs and that your products are good value or that you have special deals. Here, too, there are two ways to look at it. One of them is that everything happens on the main page, so you can raise interest and get things done at the same time. So, for example, a certain product was shown in a window with a Buy/Add to Cart button, and the process was finished. (Action, as we’ve already said, doesn’t have to be set up to make a purchase; it can be set up for any other goal; the important thing is to start an action.) But let’s say you set the desire level on a page about a product or a seasonal deal (or something about downloading a coupon, subscribing to the newsletter). In this case, having a strong effect on emotions will make the next step certain:
action: The call to action can be a big button or a banner that stands out. Make it clear what people can get and what they must or should do.
Product page. This is like writing an email about a new product with the goal of getting people to click through to your web store. It’s also similar to a blog post in that it has almost the same goal. The difference is that in this example, we work with different information. AIDA can be used for both product pages and product descriptions, but we won’t talk about the latter right now.
attention: Here, there are antecedents, and after all of those things, you have to think about a new “pyramid.” You have to get people’s attention in some way, but attention is already there because your potential customer is already on that product page. You can draw more attention to something by giving it a “telling name” that can be seen without scrolling and is catchy. Other ways to get people to buy are to highlight a sale price or use enticing words, sentences, slogans, or pictures.
interest: The examples I gave at the end can also be used here. As for pictures, it’s best to put them near the top or make sure they can be seen without even a little scrolling. You should add more pictures and pictures. As for product descriptions, you should make the most important keywords and headlines stand out by making them bigger or using a different color. This way, people can see them even if they just quickly scroll down the page. You also have to show in these highlights what information is available for more detailed reading, like menus for product features, reviews, etc. There might also be shipping information under the price.
desire: At this point, every part of the description is important. Write down everything you would want to know about the product if you were going to buy it in a store, like the exact name, how it works, what size it comes in, and what colors you can choose from. Tell people on the product page what kind of warranty you offer, if the item is in stock, if you have a video that shows how the product works, or if you have any other content that refers to references, like quotes from customers, photos they’ve taken, etc. Cross-selling is another tool that can be used on product pages. This means that you suggest options that go well with the item and show people other products that they can buy with the item, and they may get a discount. It also helps if you write something positive about the company that makes the product or the story behind it. Try to impress people and make them feel something by telling them why the product would be good for them or the person they want to give it to.
Keep the Buy or Add to Cart button in front and in the spotlight. Obviously, this can be close to the price of the product, but this button won’t draw attention or interest. Here, you can also make the option to “add to favorites.” After the part about the product description or at the top of the page, because you have to scroll back, point out the chance to move forward. Use one to three words to tell them why they should go shopping right now. Place the most important information around the Buy/Add to Cart button. This information should sort of sum up why the product is worth buying, but it shouldn’t take people’s attention away from the action.
The following could be the problem. There is no ad that leads, the ad is wrong, and the link between steps is not right. Even if people don’t know it, they use a similar method to AIDA… The content doesn’t have much of an effect on emotions and awareness, and the suggested path isn’t the best. The most important thing is that it’s not clear what to do. People won’t try to do or understand anything if it isn’t clear. If you want them to buy, you have to lead them. Let’s not just tell them how to take the first step and show ourselves. AIDA helps you think in a way that will help you as a web store owner.

Drop Shipping
If you don’t know anything about drop shipping yet, you can learn about it by clicking here. You can also learn about the best way to use this method for long-term success.
You should think about how well you are doing drop shipping if you do it. Even if you buy your products from eBay and other similar sites, and even if you use a pretty big margin, it’s understandable that you’re having trouble making sales. So many people order things from these online marketplaces. So almost anyone can tell when something is from one of these places. If they see this, they will look at the original page to see what the price was. Most likely, they will order from there instead. So, that’s why it’s better to get your products from real suppliers, manufacturers, and wholesalers. Drop shipping is a great way to run a business. But you need to do it right for it to be worth it in the long run and for you to be successful. Or, it’s also important for your business to find a niche.
Remote warehousing is a new way to do drop shipping. It is the best way to do business online if you only want to invest a small amount of money. Also, it’s the best way to make sure you’ll be successful in the long run, since if you take care of every detail, you won’t have to worry about anything. You’ll soon be able to read more about it. Think of this short description as a sneak peek at something new and big.
Focus on Your Ideal Customer
Always keep in mind who you want to sell your products to, who your target audience is. Think about this in everything you do. The type of text and images, the look of the whole page, the design, the colors and shapes, and other things change depending on the product, the audience, and their age. Visitors to a web store will notice if something doesn’t fit. Then, he might not think of your site as a good place to shop.

It’s clear that everything in this article fits together. Its parts always talk about each other, and some of them show up more than once. Because each point is different and some things aren’t only important in one place, if someone just scrolls through the text to see what parts are listed, the content he may be confused about needs to be highlighted.
It’s important to really listen to what’s being said. Try not to just put almost anything in your webshop without helping customers or getting them to buy. Again, the motto from the beginning. If visitors aren’t sure. if what they’re seeing is real, of good quality, or anything else, they won’t buy!