Find the best way to name your online store so that it is memorable from the first time people hear or see it. People judge books by their covers, and the first thing people notice about your business is its name. Read our five best tips to find a great name. After you find a winning name, we show you how to find winning products.
One of the most important things you can do for your online store, which is probably your dream business right now, is to come up with a good name for it. Change the words around, give it some meaning, and make sure it fits your business.

How to Pick a Good Name for Your Online Store
The less complicated, the better
When you choose a name for your online store, it should be short, simple, and easy to remember. Avoid using complicated phrases, and if you can, try to avoid using numbers in the name. You probably already know who you’re writing for. They could be mostly from one country and speak one language, or they could be from all over the world. Also think about how your name sounds. Your store’s name can be made up of more than one word, but it shouldn’t have more than 3 or 4 words.
How to spell and say it
Your store’s name should be as easy and simple to spell and say as possible. There are a lot of brands with names that people aren’t sure how to say. Companies sometimes have to make videos showing how to say their name, and sometimes they even put the phonetic form of the word on their website. Try not to get into trouble. Another reason why you should make the name of your online store easy to spell is so that when people hear about you, they can write your name correctly and find you online.
Be original and pick a name that isn’t taken.
Make sure the name of your online store reflects who you are. You need to be different and unique. Find a name for your business, brand, or store that you can legally use. Check the databases in your country to see if the name you chose is already taken. The best thing to do is talk to a lawyer about it. Also, check Google and social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to see if the name is already taken. If you can’t come up with a name, look for words that describe your store or what your business does. It can help you choose the name you’ll use.
Think outside the box and choose a name that fits your business.
It needs to talk about your store. You need to send a message with your brand. You could even name your online store in a way that reflects this message. It’s also better if it has something to do with your products. This name fits your brand identity very well. Make sure that the name isn’t just something that sounds good to you. It has to work for your company. A name that includes the word “lullaby” might not be a good fit for a store that sells wood products. People will start to like you once they see how fun and real you are and how creative your name is. You could make up new words that don’t already exist but sound good.

Use tools that make up store names
There are a lot of name generators for brands on the internet. Shopify also has its own Business Name Generator, which is a free tool that comes up with possible business names and instantly checks if the domain is available on Shopify. It gives you ideas for unique store names, but you need to be a little skeptical because sometimes it gives you names that don’t make sense. Find a keyword that describes your store, type it into the right search bar, and then click the Generate names button. Then you can look at what the generator has come up with. Choose a good name for your online shop.
You can always change the name of your online store, even if you already have one. All you need to do is point the old site to the new one. Don’t forget to tell the customers you already have about the change! You should only change your name if you think it’s really important.