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Increase Your Conversions With Effective Landing Page Examples And Tips

    If you have an online shop, you may already know how important it is to have a landing page. Landing pages can be an important part of your marketing funnel and give your audience a lot of value.

    Though, the content and look of your landing page can make or break your marketing plans. So, in this post, I’ll show you some great landing page examples so you can learn from the pros and give your leads a better overall experience.

    How are landing pages different from product pages?

    Before we talk about some ideas for landing pages, let’s talk about some basics. In a nutshell, it is a part of your website where people who have come to your site through your marketing funnel (paid ads, social campaigns, marketing emails, etc.) land.

    Landing pages are made to help you reach your conversion goals by giving your audience something of value. You can send people from these pages to other products, give information about your business, or have a page just for a single conversion goal. If the design of your landing page is appealing and makes sense, it can also help your conversion rate.

    Compared to a normal product page, a landing page looks better and has more useful information. People who land straight on a product page are 72% more likely to leave than those who land on a landing page.

    Here, you can see that a product page looks pretty simple and won’t give your audience anything they don’t already have. On the other hand, a landing page is easier on the eyes and gives a lot of useful information, which makes it easy to get leads.

    Does Your Store Need a Landing Page?

    In short, yes.

    If you’re running a marketing campaign on social media or search engines, a landing page can help turn your visitors into potential leads. Aside from that, here are some of the best examples of landing pages that you can host.

    Better Conversion: One of the most important reasons to make a landing page is that it can help you convert leads. They can be a lot more interesting than product pages and give you a better return on your paid marketing plans.

    Targeted: Another good thing is that you can make different pages or segments for different types of customers. This will make it easy to figure out how much money you made from different sources.

    Other Benefits: Landing pages are also great for A/B testing, which will help you learn more about your audience. They are easy to make and quick, and they can increase your leads by up to 55%.

    The best examples of landing pages from which to learn

    Great! Now that we’ve talked about the basics, let’s look at some of my favorite examples of landing pages that helped brands reach their marketing goals quickly.


    Gilette is very good at marketing, and some of its marketing campaigns have done very well. Here’s a simple example of one of the best landing page ideas you can find.

    With just a few words, the brand could easily get its message across to people. If a visitor wants to, they can find out more about the product and see a picture of it in real life.

    Kodiak Cakes

    You can use this strategy if you want to come up with a single landing page to promote a wide range of products. Here, Kodiak Cakes made a funnel page for the butter syrups they just started selling.

    In addition to listing the products’ benefits, key ingredients, and unique selling points, the brand also listed the many ways the products could be used. All of this is done by following a storyboard that is consistent and looks good.


    Who says it’s hard to come up with landing page ideas for any software? If you agree, you can read more about Stripe on the page linked below.

    Again, the company took a simple approach and used smart writing to get its point across. Along with a list of the product’s USPs, it also has a call to action (CTA) and images of its dashboard. This will give users a quick way to learn more about how Stripe works.

    Happy Health

    Good Health has also thought of an interesting idea that you might want to use as a model. It is one of the best examples of a landing page for a consumer product and is easy to make.

    The brand just listed the features of all of its products and then gave each one its own section. This makes it easy to show off your products and sell them as a package.


    Monday is a popular productivity tool that teams use a lot to talk to each other and work together. Their landing page just tells you what the tool is good for and how it can help you.

    You can see that the page also has a screenshot of the product and a list of how many customers are already using it. With social proofing, this is one of the best landing page ideas to get people to trust you.


    This is a great example of a landing page for a business-to-consumer product for anyone looking for one. This is the landing page for Casper, one of the most popular mattress companies in the United States.

    From the reputation of the brand to the USP of the product and delivery information to social proof, you can find everything in a simple way.

    Denmark Apparel

    Denmark Apparel is the next example on our list of some of the best landing page examples. The online clothing store has made the following page where leads for a marketing campaign that is still going on would be dropped.

    The page shows the current discount for men’s clothing as well as other information about the brand. This can help the brand gain the trust of its visitors and make more sales at the same time.

    Moxie Flower

    Lastly, if you want a creative example of a landing page, you can look at this simple design by Flower Moxie. Instead of showing off a catalog of their products, the brand just showed off how they look in real life.

    If a user clicks on any styled image, they will be taken to the product page for that image. This is one of the best examples of how landing page ideas have changed over time and shifted their focus to giving their audience something of value.

    Quick and Smart Ways to Improve Your Landing Page

    Now that we’ve talked about some great examples of landing pages, you can work on a page for your store that stands out. Though, you might want to follow these landing page tips to make them work better and get better results.

    Learn about the various kinds of landing pages

    Most of the time, landing pages can be put into four different groups. So, before you start making them, you should know what kind they are and choose the best way to make them.

    • Top funnel page: These are like campaign pages that tell a story about your brand or show social proof.
    • Mid-funnel pages: Most of the time, these are made as part of a retargeting marketing campaign to get existing leads more interested.
    • Bottom funnel page: These common pages are usually made for common products as part of your upselling campaigns.
    • Retention page: Finally, you can make pages just for your current customers where you can offer discount codes, referral codes, and more.

    Minimize Clutter

    If this is your first time making a landing page, it’s likely to be a bit cluttered and full of things you don’t need. Don’t forget that the point of making a landing page is to make more sales. Calls to action should be clear and easy to find on your pages so you can easily turn your leads into customers.

    Compelling Content

    Every day, the average consumer is inundated with marketing messages. Your campaign should stand out from the rest and give your visitors something they can use. To get their attention, you should write copy that is interesting and then follow it up with content that is also interesting.

    Easy to Skim Layout

    The way your landing page looks as a whole can make or break the deal. I would suggest taking a simple approach so that you can use both pictures and words without making things too confusing.

    You can use the landing page ideas I’ve given you above to find more on the Internet. This will help you keep your page layouts uniform and pleasing to the eye.

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    A Few Last Words

    The easiest way to put it all together is that better landing pages led to better conversations, which led to more sales opportunities. So, if you’re also having trouble getting more people to buy from your online store, check out the landing page examples I’ve given here.

    You can also use these smart landing page ideas to make your marketing campaigns more effective. But if you want to set up or run a dropshipping store like a pro, all you have to do is check out Dropship-empire. It is owned by AliExpress and gives you free dropshipping options to meet all of your needs in one place.

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