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The Top Free Shopify Applications For Your Online store

    Adding premium apps and plugins for enhanced functionality while building a Shopify store for your dropshipping business can result in increased costs. Due to this, we’ve compiled a list of free Shopify apps to promote, run, and improve online business owners’ operations.

    These free Shopify apps are made for all stores on the platform, regardless of whether you operate an e-commerce site or a dropshipping company. Take a look at these free apps, learn how they operate, and build a profitable business on a tight budget.

    In order to find free Shopify apps for your online business, let’s get started.

    the top free Shopify applications for your online store

    The eight top free Shopify apps have been discovered through study. There are several app kinds on the list for various tasks, like email support, SEO optimization, sales optimization, etc.

    Let’s begin digging deeper:

    Notification of Sales

    The Sales Notification app is made to notify your consumers about sales, as the name would imply. With the aid of these notifications, you can increase sales and revenue. For instance, you may design cart notifications to encourage customers to make last-minute purchases.

    In addition to this, the software aids in the creation of a recent visitor notification that makes your dropshipping business appear active.

    You may also hide products that are free or that you don’t want to appear in Sales Notification with the aid of our free Shopify app.

    Email of gratitude

    Once a customer buys something from you, we stop marketing to them. We put a lot of time and effort into attracting customers, so why do we stop retargeting them for future purchases?

    You can share a Thank You or open-ended email from your company following the transaction to aid in further marketing. Customers already anticipate this from the store after making a purchase. You may build a relationship with the client by sending this particular note using the free Thank You Email Shopify app. After that, they are more motivated to make another buy.

    Product Evaluations

    Another fantastic free Shopify tool for your online store is Product Reviews. This provides you with social proof and enables you to display client testimonials on product pages.

    What effect will this have on your company?

    individuals are inspired to purchase a product when they see other individuals enjoying it and doing so.

    The Product Reviews app is also SEO-optimized. This means that you can use the app and its features to quickly raise your Google ranking. Isn’t that incredible?

    Integrate SEO

    It is essential for your dropshipping store to optimize its SEO. Even though you might disagree, why would customers contact you if they are unaware that your store even exists?

    Because of this, you must increase the exposure of your store, which calls for an effective SEO tool. Many online businesses use the free Shopify software Plug in SEO.

    This is how Plug in SEO can assist you:

    • Boost your SERP ranking to make it easier for potential customers to find you.
    • Boost your organic traffic by becoming more visible in SERPs.
    • Ensure technical SEO elements, such as meta descriptions, rich snippets, and bulk edit SEO. Additional capabilities include keyword research, blog optimization, and resolving 404 broken links.


    You may effectively market your dropshipping store with the help of the Growave tool. This technology makes it simple to engage, reach, and convert customers.

    You may connect with your audience with this fantastic free Shopify app’s Wishlists, Reviews, Loyalty Programs, Instagram Galleries, Social Login, and other features.

    • Features like Q&A, referral schemes, Wishlists, automatic emails, reviews, incentives, Instagram galleries, etc. are available.
    • You may improve how you cater to consumer needs by personalizing your customer care initiatives.
    • Growave can be integrated with other programs like Loox, PushOwl, Omnisend, Klaviyo, etc.


    An email marketing tool called NotifyVisitors was created specifically for Shopify companies. By distributing customized email campaigns, it enables Shopify store owners to maintain contact with their consumers. You may create customised email messages with NotifyVisitors that are catered to the wants and needs of each of your customers.

    To make sure that your campaigns are successful and successfully reach the target audience on time, you can also make use of email automation, dynamic segmentation, email triggered activities, and A/B testing tools. Additionally, you can use NotifyVisitors’ sophisticated analytics to gather insightful information about each email campaign you design, allowing you to tweak and improve it for optimum impact. Overall, NotifyVisitors makes Shopify firms’ email marketing easier, more effective, and automated than ever before!

    Hold Cart

    Use the free Keep Cart Shopify app if consumers are checking out of your business on one device and returning on another. Because it enables users to utilize any device to shop in your store, this software is made to prevent cart abandonment.

    The consumer might be able to access the same cart on their computer if, for instance, they signed into their account on your store from their mobile device. Customers will experience less bother as a result, and their carts will sync across devices. They don’t have to limit themselves to using a single device for all of their shopping, which will also lower the likelihood of cart abandonment.

    Pop-Up Exit Intent

    This Exit Intent Popup software is very useful if you want to increase the number of subscribers to your email list or newsletter. You can display a popup to encourage a customer to subscribe just as they are ready to leave the website.

    How does that assist?

    • Your email list will grow if you promote a deal and urge users to sign up.
    • This will enable you to tailor your efforts and encourage more customer purchases through special offers.
    • Exit popups also aid in lowering the rate of cart abandonment by enticing users to stay by offering them a discount or promotion.
    • Just keep in mind to use this app to verify your mobile compatibility. You shouldn’t linger over mobile consumers’ screens. To get the best results, optimize the mobile version.

    Notification through Web Push

    The Web Push Notifications app is the last free Shopify app on the list. Because most people respond well to web notifications, this is becoming more and more common.

    If you want to advertise a new blog, for instance, you can send users a web notification, and they may check the blog right away by clicking on the notification.

    This is merely a general illustration; in reality, you can use the app to provide discounts to clients. People tend to click when they get a notification of a live sale, which proves the effectiveness of the strategy. Why not use this function if you can obtain it for free for your internet business?

    Which Shopify App Is Best?

    Ideally, any of these programs can be used by any dropshipping company. A lot of firms use each app simultaneously and profit greatly from doing so.

    The choice, though, ultimately comes down to your needs. You can simply get an app for SEO and email marketing if you only need support for marketing, for instance.

    You should investigate the online push notification application if you require more leads. Analyze your store’s needs, understand how these free Shopify apps can help, and then download the ones you require.


    We looked into a list of eight free Shopify apps for online retailers. For the best dropshipping experience, evaluate each app, understand the capabilities it offers, and then begin downloading.

    To understand what you are missing from these free versions, don’t be afraid to compare the features of these apps with those of paid applications. Additionally, choose the freemium software wherever possible so that you can subsequently upgrade for better features.

    You ought to take into account a few commercial applications as well, like Dropshipping Management programs like dropship-empire. Your profitability will increase, your revenue will increase, and your customer base will grow as a result.

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