At least seven times must pass between a potential client or customer and your brand before they are ready to buy.
No matter how good your offer is, if they don’t know you, it will be hard for you to get them to give you any of their hard-earned money.
If you use comedy as part of your social media marketing plan, you can win in two ways. First of all, it’s the fastest way to make content that’s fun and interesting. Second, the methods that comedy writers use to come up with jokes can also be used to come up with creative projects that aren’t funny.
At the end of the day, a joke is just two ideas that don’t seem to go together but do because of a hidden “truth” that is framed in a clever way to bridge the gap.
These hidden truths give you a lot of ways to connect your brand to news stories, relatable tropes, and trends, giving you more ways to make content.
Ideas for funny Tweets to reach more people and raise brand awareness.

Using Twitter for your brand
It’s not a secret that social media is very important to the success of a brand. You can use it to show your audience and customers who your brand is and what it stands for. It also puts you in touch with millennials who spend a lot of money and are very active on social media. Twitter makes it easy for people to talk to each other right away.
How Important It Is To Interact On Twitter:
When it comes to social media marketing and Twitter marketing, the number of followers is the most important thing. How can you seem well-known, important, established, and respected if you don’t have a big Twitter following?
Your number of followers is important in a lot of ways, of course. As you get more followers, you get your content in front of more people on a semi-regular basis. So, the more followers you have, the more often your content will be seen by more people.
Engagement on Twitter, on the other hand, can often be more important. Too many brands don’t look at engagement rate or, more likely, don’t think it’s important as a way to measure how relevant your content is to your target audience.
The same is true if you have 100 followers and of them respond, but if you have 10,000 followers and only of them respond, it’s less impressive and shows that you’re not relevant, good, or following some of the best practices we’ve talked about here.
Don’t forget that interacting with people on Twitter is a great way to get to know people in your target audience and build relationships with them. Retweets and replies can be especially helpful for getting meaningful conversations going with people in your audience.
Also, the fact that people respond to your tweets can be a strong form of social proof. People pay attention to tweets that get a lot of likes, replies, and retweets, which can sometimes be enough to make them trust you or pay attention to you.
Ideas for funny tweets
It helps if your brand has a sense of humor and you share information and content about your brand. Make sure your answers to questions sound friendly and easy to get in touch with (the degree of casualty is determined by your brand voice). This can be done by:
Using memes
You can use memes to make your audience feel like they can relate to you. There are a lot of popular images, graphics, and phrases that brands can use to get more people to follow them on Twitter.
Using jokes
Use a joke (or, in this case, a text illustration) to talk about something related to your brand.
The social media network is called “social” for a reason, but most brands just show up, say what they want to say, and then leave. What if you took the time to talk to the people who are listening to you? If they follow you, you can even follow them back and join their conversation in a funny way (brand-related).
It can be a great way to try out your new comedy skills without putting too much pressure on yourself.
Not only can you show your sense of humor through the content you post, but also through the little things you do online.
If your Twitter banner is currently a glossy advertisement, you might want to turn it into a fun and funny brand awareness campaign.
Instead of boring brand recognition visuals, add layers of comedy that are always changing.
Using graphs and charts
What if you could find a fun way to share some interesting facts and figures with your audience?
Use an infographic to add a joke or funny idea on top of each important fact or number. People will not only love them, but they will almost certainly also share them.
Since search engines like unique graphics, now is the perfect time to invest in something special if all of your images come from stock photo libraries.
Sharing funny tweets from other people
On Twitter, you can say anything. If you don’t know what to post, you can always find something to re-post.
Look at what other people are tweeting or talking about, see what the most popular hashtags are, etc. Someone could have posted something funny that has to do with your brand.
Keeping your Tweets brief
Twitter forces us to keep our tweets short by letting us only post up to 280 characters (which was a significant increase from 140 characters). As it is, it would be hard to share more posts, but if you limited them just a little more, more people would interact with them.
Several sites and surveys show that the best number of characters for shareable tweets, including hashtags and user tags, is between 80 and 110. This is especially true if you want more retweets.
Your tweets are more likely to be useful between 80 and 110 characters, whether you’re trying to entertain, inform, or share an opinion. They will also be short enough for people to easily retweet them. By this length, users will be able to add their own thoughts and hashtags and link back to you. On the other hand, if you used all 280 characters, people would have to edit your tweet and cut it down so they could add their own text, which is hard for many people to do.
Don’t overtweet
Even though it can be hard to get people to see what you have to say, you don’t want to send too many tweets. If you post too much, your engagement will drop pretty quickly.
Several case studies have shown that brands should tweet between one and three times a day to increase engagement. But engagement goes down when they post more than four times a day.
One of the best things about scheduling tools is that they make it easy to see how many Tweets you’ll be posting that day.

One Last Thing
At the end of the day, finding your brand’s voice and personality will help you connect with your audience through your message. Take some funny ideas for Tweets and make them happen. As a result, you will get more followers, make people laugh, and get more people interested in your brand on Twitter.