Are you a business owner who is having trouble selling your goods online? Have you tried a lot of different things but felt like they didn’t work?
I’m here to help you stop feeling hopeless and give you the drive to try at least one more time. In reality, there is a complete step-by-step guide to writing unique product descriptions.
Selling your product online can be hard, especially if you don’t know much about content marketing. However, if you have a well-thought-out long-term plan, your products will sell like crazy.
An old saying says, “Too many cooks spoil the broth,” but when it comes to eCommerce, there is a lot of noise about it.
Different people may have suggested different techniques. Some people may have told you, for example, to pay attention to the buyer’s persona.
Some people may have asked you to improve your SEO, and others may have suggested that you use online rewriting tools to write product descriptions that are perfect and unique.
In fact, all of these methods are important for your e-commerce store, but only one of them can bring in sales.
First of all, we need to know what you mean by “product description.” Then we’ll talk about the main topic, which is how to write a product description.
Defining a product description
A product description is the first thing a potential buyer reads about your product. It’s more like a sales pitch that gets a surfer to buy your product.
Why that’s important:
Every product needs a description, because without one, the lucky person who landed on your page wouldn’t know what to do next.
People who shop online can’t meet you to see what you’re selling. Your item description is your online presence, so it is very important to learn how to write a product description.

Also, people often have doubts about shopping online. They might think it’s a scam or a fraud. So, to build trust, you need a description of the product.
People who shop online want to know if they are getting the right product. For example, if you own a shoe store, your customers might want to know the styles, colors, and sizes of your shoes so they can find the right ones for them.
Without a description of the product, you would not be able to attract a customer.
With this in mind, I’ve come up with some tips to help you write an interesting and unique product description for your online store.
how to write product description: valuable tips for better descriptions
Focus on buyer’s persona
Remember! You won’t sell your goods to things or machines that don’t have minds. Your customers are real people whose minds are very complicated.
A buyer’s persona is a fictional caricature of your audience that has all the traits of your customer, but doesn’t have a life of its own.
There are many ways to find potential customers and figure out what they do so you can make a buyer’s persona.
In the past 20 years, some interesting techniques have come about by combining data and how people act.
This might sound creepy, but stores have made very detailed analytics tools that track their customers’ names, home addresses, and even their interests. After getting this information, they can guess what the customer will do next.
In his book “The Power of Habit,” Charles Dhuigg gives the example of how Target created customer personas. For example, they sent a pregnant girl baby-related ads before her family even knew she was pregnant.
So, a bad buyer can be like putting a round peg in a square hole.
When you look at your buyer’s persona, it should have these important parts to give a fuller picture of your customer.
Demography/Location. \sInterests/Triggers. \Problems.
Look for “medium.” Goals.
All of these can be found with online analytics tools that are easy to find with a Google search.
Tell a story
The words you use to describe your product shouldn’t be boring. People don’t like dead scrambled words when thinking about how to write product descriptions. In fact, their screen retention time is much lower.
A study found that the average time spent looking at a screen has dropped by a lot, to about 8 seconds.
Because of this, you need to tell a story that makes sense to your customers. They should be able to connect to your story and feel better after reading it. Your customers should feel like you’re the only one who cares about their issues.
You need a story no matter what kind of content marketing you do. So, these three parts make up general story-making for content marketing.
First, you should introduce a character. You can do this in the first person, the second person, or the third person.
When you use “I” to talk about a character, you are using the first-person point of view. This story can continue with your own journey and has a happy ending.
In the same way, adding a second person to a story makes it more interesting. Reasonably, the story gives the readers direct attention and makes them feel like they’re a part of it.
You can also talk about yourself in the third person, especially if you want to give examples.
HubSpot gives a clear explanation of what a sales story is in the picture below.
So, the story goes on and the character finds a solution to a problem in their life. And the story ends with a message to do something.
Connect with your buyers emotionally
We have always been taught that “Man is a rational being,” which is a quote from Aristotle. However, this is not true.
Instead, our emotions have caused us to act in such a way that scientists have only recently realized that emotional intelligence needs to be added to our overall intelligence.
FMCGs come up with different ways to market their products and increase sales every now and then. I have a story to show how powerful emotions can be.
Edward Bernays was a marketing expert at the beginning of the 20th century. He sold cigarettes to women at a time when it was considered rude for women to smoke.
He used the women’s feelings against them by telling them that smoking cigarettes was a sign of their freedom. The phrase “Torches of Freedom” came from this.
That’s how you can get to the pain points of your customers, which will make them want to buy your products.
Why are you selling this? Your product description should answer that question. It would be best if you thought about what you want to sell.
Simon thinks that only a small number of companies know why they sell this product.
The answer to “why” could be the main reason you’re selling your products and the value of your online store.
Focusing on the “why” question helps your readers understand the value of your product. This also helps you build your brand. Your brand identity shows who you are and what you stand for.
Learn E-commerce stores’ algorithms
Imagine that you’ve opened a store on a small island. You charge a fair price for the most valuable things. Now, do you still think that your products will fly off the shelves? If so, you’re looking for a mirage.
You need to wake up from this dream and pay attention to the everyday world.
In the same way, you need to know about the product marketing environment. How does it work, and how do you keep being an expert?
There are a lot of online stores that sell things, but Amazon is the most popular one.
If you want to be a successful retailer, you need to know how Amazon works.
Amazon’s A9 algorithms are state-of-the-art and work like Google’s algorithms, but they are different in how they convert sales.
Amazon may have put money into this kind of business because it needs more sales and customers to make money.
A9 focuses on these things, and how you write product descriptions should be in line with them.
Do better SEO of your product listing
Increase sales conversions.
Amazon has a search engine, just like Google. Customers go to Amazon with the intention of buying something, which is what they type into the Amazon search bar.
In other words, the products they are looking for are actually keywords. Artificial Intelligence helps Amazon keep track of these keywords in this way. This is because you need to find the right keywords to get your product to the top of Amazon SERPs.
You can find the right keywords for your product description in two main ways. First, you can use the easy way.
It’s more like common sense, like you already know that the name of your product should be in the description.
If you sell clothes, for instance, you know that people will also look for clothes on Amazon. You can also add words such as “best,” “seasonal,” etc. You could also use keyword research tools that are available online. There are so many on the Internet that you can easily find them by doing a search.
Using the right keywords can help you show up in search results, but that’s not the whole story.
Sales rate
Also very important are sales conversions. Amazon figures out what kind of store you have by looking at how much you sell. If you have a lot of sales in your store, people are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
Make your product’s description concise and appealing:
Writing a simple paragraph is an art, and writing a description of a product takes even more skill.
As we’ve already talked about, you have to tell a story to keep your audience interested. But that doesn’t mean you have to write a long story like the ones you heard from your grandmother.
Keep your list short and use sentence connectors to make sure it doesn’t sound like a list of disconnected sentences. Your listing should have a natural flow and not have any unnecessary jargon or long lists of details.
Most people find it hard to sum up a description that is vivid, unique, and interesting. We suggest this article rewriter, which is available on the Internet and can do their job for them automatically.
Use attractive visuals
A picture is worth a thousand words, but only if it shows what your product is and how it works. Customers who buy from your online store have to take a leap of faith because they can’t see or touch the product.
A bad picture can be an easy way to lose interest. So, you need to be very careful when adding pictures to your listing. In addition, colors have a lot to do with psychology.
Colors make us think of different things. Also, colors remind us of brands, like the yellow of Shell or the red of Coca-Cola.
So, in your product description, you should choose the best set of colors. You can do this by hiring a photographer who takes high-quality pictures and edits them with the best colors for this.
Wrapping it up
In this way, every guide on how to write a product description only gives you facts and tips. But the most important thing is how you market your product and how long you keep at it. Make a plan for your marketing and stick to it.
I have already suggested that inbound marketing is one of the best ways to market your business. Inbound marketing is more like a freewheel that keeps going as long as you keep putting out the best products.
In inbound marketing, your customers are your best salespeople because they tell other people about you. In short, keep your description short and use bullet points if you can to include the right key words.
Next, use SEO to improve your content and make a story that people will want to read. Last, write in an emotional way and pay attention to “why” questions.
You can use these tips for your store, whether it’s already open or a new one. But before you do, you should set some reasonable goals. It’s time for you to start.
But before you start, you need to make sure you have high-quality products that your customers will love.
Whether you want to dropship your items one by one from a supplier to your customers’ front doors or buy stock and send them yourself, is there for you.